Bawang Merah Beachfront Restaurant

Bali Massage at Sekar Jagat Spa Bali

Bali massage

Bali massage room

What is Bali massage? Bali massage use fingers and hand palm with variations of movement like press point, palm pressure, sliding, long exploration, short exploration, kneading, circling and folding. It is an ancient system of healing which relies upon massage to break down tensely knotted tissue and promote harmony of body, mind and soul.

Balinese massage should improve your circulation, calm your nerves and alter your mental state. Coconut oil or soya bean oil is mixed with essential oil of cempaka, sandat, frangipani, jasmine, rose or sandalwood. These oils are used for relaxation, body indulgement, anti-stress etc. Balinese massage for curative applications use warm oil of lemon grass, cloves or ginger.

Last Updated on 28 July 2023 by Bawang Merah Jimbaran Bay

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Bawang Merah Beachfront Restaurant